The original and best Pokemon VGC podcast! For over 10 years Dr Fidget has hosted the show alongside world champions, commentators, tournament organizers, and judges to discuss absolutely everything related to the Pokemon Video Game Championships and sandwiches. The 2023 season brings in Temporal as the new cohost. Come along and join us as we keep you up to date on all the latest tournaments, information, and trends in the VGC circuit.

Saturday Jun 17, 2023
C is for Chaos
Saturday Jun 17, 2023
Saturday Jun 17, 2023
We're back again! This time we get ready for NAIC and dive into the handful of side events going on there. We also go over a bit about the pop-up shops, the lotteries, and answer some of your questions. Which host is learning Dutch? (Hint: Not the Dutch host)
00:00 Intro
03:00 NAIC
24:45 Worlds
34:45 Reg D
47:45 Yokohama Open?
54:15 Grassroots check in
57:00 Questions
If you have questions for the show send them to podcast@lavapool.party

Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
The Metagame Paradox
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
This week we take a surprisingly close look at the series 2 metagame as we get ready for OCIC and a nonstop barrage of VGC regionals. Then we go over the big news of day 2 event regionals and speculate over that lowered bar for TCG worlds.
Apologies for no timestamps and not editing this one super tight. But I (Samuel) had to rush it out before jumping on a plane to the Oceania International Championships.
If you have questions to topics you want covered next time email us at podcast@lavapool.party

Friday Jan 13, 2023
One and Done
Friday Jan 13, 2023
Friday Jan 13, 2023
We're back from the one and only NA Series 1 regional! Samuel made a number of unforced errors, Temporal had to deal with other peoples unavoidable errors, and they both made sandwich errors.
We also go over the top preforming teams, and then dig into the upcoming format change.
00:30 Intro, Food
04:00 San Diego errors
13:00 The topcut teams
22:00 Disconnects
30:00 Series 2
50:00 Pokemon Home and Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Updates
54:00 Grassroots roundup
59:00 Outro
If you have any questions about topics from the show or about Pokemon VGC in general, email us at podcast@lavapool.party

Saturday Dec 24, 2022
A Judge, a Commentator, and a World Champ walk into a CP Bar
Saturday Dec 24, 2022
Saturday Dec 24, 2022
Spirits of Lava Pools past Gabby Snyder and Toler Webb join our hosts to talk about the newly announced 2023 VGC CP Bar for worlds qualification. We also have tips for your first regionals, how to get food, and so much more!
0:00 Intro, Snowfall
2:45 CP Bar for Worlds Qualification
8:50 Plushes and Spheal
12:00 Locals
15:00 Regionals Tips
35:50 San Diego Tips
55:00 Random Pokemon in the Format
59:00 More Open Team Sheet Stuff
1:07:30 More Meta Things
1:13:15 OCIC Series 1
1:16:30 Grassroots Tours
1:23:00 Outro
If you have questions or topics you want to hear on the show send them in to podcast@lavapool.party

Friday Dec 09, 2022
Not So Covert Cloak
Friday Dec 09, 2022
Friday Dec 09, 2022
We have a format! We have rules! We have a website! This week we go over the freshly released rules document, then dip into the early meta a bit. If you want more info on the things related to the podcast you can go to lavapool.party and if you have questions or topics you want to hear us cover on the show email us at podcast@lavapool.party
00:00 Intro, Sandwich
02:15 A series of serieses
10:30 Open Team Sheets
16:15 Rk9 Translations
23:20 Other micilanious rules
38:00 Still no CP info
40:45 Metagame snapshot
1:08:15 No home, no usage stats.
1:11:00 Events selling out fast
1:15:30 Fresno
1:20:00 USPA Signups
1:22:30 We have a website! lavapool.party

Monday Nov 14, 2022
Touch Grassroots
Monday Nov 14, 2022
Monday Nov 14, 2022
After years away the original VGC podcast returns! Samuel (Dr Fidget) has been lured back by the inclusion of sandwiches in the upcoming Pokemon games. Alyssa (Temporal) joins as the new cohost. This week we get excited about the upcoming release of Scarlet and Violet, go over what is and isn't announced for the upcoming VGC season so far, and touch on the many, MANY, community run events and tournaments Allyssa is involved in.
0:00 Intro
3:30 Light SV talk
6:30 Tera types
13:10 Home
20:20 New season
30:00 Internats
37:00 Waiting on rules updates
46:00 Online Grassroots

Monday Nov 23, 2020
How it Started, How it's Going
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Some things never change. VGC is still canceled, quarantine is still in effect, and a hot new Lava Pool is about to get all up in your ears. This week is Fidget's 10 year anniversary with Team Magma and Chalkey, Gabby, and Josh are here to swap stories on how the journey started and where things are now.
0:00:30- Quarantine sandwiches
0:07:00 VGC still canceled
0:29:00 How did everyone join Magma
0:52:00 Bopper
0:54:00 What's up with Pokemon Go?
0:57:00 What are you doing without VGC?
1:15:00 Chalkeys Heartwarming worlds story

Monday Feb 27, 2017
Black Hole Sun
Monday Feb 27, 2017
Monday Feb 27, 2017
Sam, Toler, and Oliver are back and getting ready to roll out to Indianapolis for another year. Then we take a closer look at where the metagame is and what gambles are worth taking while building.
00:20 Intro
05:20 US Nationals
13:25 World Championship dates
16:10 Metagame
33:25 NPA
49:30 Questions

Friday Feb 10, 2017
There's a Moon in the Sky (Called the Moon)
Friday Feb 10, 2017
Friday Feb 10, 2017
Sam and Toler are back to talk about naked air-guitar, QR codes, and stipends. Sam also went to his first MSS and we check in on how our pre-season predictions have panned out so far. Sam and Toler can't actually hear each other most of the time, but hopefully you won't be able to tell! Yay editing!
00.20 Intro
03:45 Bank and QR codes.
08:25 Australia and stipends.
13:00 Fidgets first MSS
26:55 Revisiting our pre-season predictions.
34:55 Dhelmise

Sunday Jan 22, 2017
Blister in the Sun
Sunday Jan 22, 2017
Sunday Jan 22, 2017
We finally catch up to the metagame that won't slow down. This week Sam, Toler, Oliver, and Gabby try and process the vast array of teams from regionals, paying for online tournies and content, and if tiering Pokemon is even possible.
0:00:20 Intro, sandwiches.
0:05:40 Pokemon Bank.
0:08:10 Regional and metagame tangents.
0:13:00 Tiers.
0:24:00 AFK and more metagame stuff.
0:36:40 Melborne win a trip.
0:42:45 Oliver vs Sam in Dallas.
0:46:10 Question #1, Celesteela.
0:49:50 Q2, Underrated Pokemon and the next big thing.
0:57:30 Q3, Paid content.
1:01:20 Q4, Tapu Bulu.
1:03:30 Q5, Teambuilding